Moishe House of Thousand Oaks Goes Pink for the Day

Moishe House of Thousand Oaks Goes Pink for the Day

As a Moishe House resident, I am required to host community service events with community members.  In the past few years I have lost friends to cancer, most recently I lost a friend within six months of her Ovarian Cancer diagnosis.  Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I wanted to raise awareness about breast cancer and ovarian cancer, and to teach people the steps they can take to understand their own genetic risks.  My Moishe House Regional Director put me in contact with Sharsheret. Jenna Fields, Sharsheret’s Los Angeles Regional Director, went above and beyond to help me create a fun, interactive educational experience.  She also talked with me about how Sharsheret can support me after the loss of my friend.

Jenna sent me a box of materials including pamphlets, posters and giveaways.  At our Sharsheret Moishe House event, we decorated Halloween Pumpkins pink to show support. I educated participants about breast and ovarian cancer in the Jewish community, and handed out the giveaways as prizes.  From this experience I learned that Sharsheret is a wonderful organization to which I will refer anyone who is at risk or who has been diagnosed with breast or ovarian cancer, and people who want to learn more about ways that they can protect their own health and help others. I hope everyone at our Moishe House event walked away knowing that Sharsheret is ready and eager to be a source of information and support.
