Beyond BRCA: Myths and Facts about Your Cancer Risk

Beyond BRCA: Myths and Facts about Your Cancer Risk

Now is your opportunity to test your knowledge of genetics and your own risk on this interactive national webinar with Sharsheret’s Genetics Program Coordinator, Peggy Cottrell, MS, CGC.

Come hear about the latest gene mutations beyond BRCA such as ATM, PALB2, CHEK2, and Lynch Syndrome, and how they increase genetic risk of cancer in both men and women. Learn how you can take control of your risk for related cancers, including breast cancer, ovarian cancer, male breast cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, uterine cancer, and melanoma.

Click here for a written transcript of Beyond BRCA: Myths and Facts about Your Cancer Risk

Click here for Q&A From Genetics Webinar.

This webinar is made possible with support from:

The Cooperative Agreement DP 19-1906 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The Marcus Foundation

The Siegmund and Edith Blumenthal Memorial Fund

Max and Anna Baran, Ben and Sarah Baran and Milton Baran Endowment Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles