Clinical Trials and Studies

Clinical Trials and Studies

Clinical Trials and Research Studies

Clinical trials and research studies play an important role in the understanding and treatment of breast cancer. The impact of clinical trials and research study findings can be significant for you and the public at large.

Sharsheret participates in studies and evaluations to strengthen our core programs.  Recent studies include:

Participating in a clinical trial or research study is a personal decision. Click here for a list of resources that can guide you in deciding whether participating in a clinical trial or research study is appropriate for you and which trials and studies are available.  Please consult with your medical team before participating in any clinical trial or research study.

Clinical Trial Finder

Try our clinical trial finder powered by our partner, Leal Health. By answering the questions below, you will be presented with clinical trials that are tailored to your specific needs. If no trials are currently available, our system will continue to search and alert you if a match is made.

Sharsheret does not endorse or promote any specific medication, treatment, product, or service.