Sharsheret Made Sure I Didn’t Go Through Ovarian Cancer Alone

Sharsheret Made Sure I Didn’t Go Through Ovarian Cancer Alone

Looking back, there were other symptoms. But it was severe abdominal pain that had me rushing to the doctor. A litany of tests confirmed my worst possible fear: ovarian cancer.

These last 10 years have been marked by:

27 rounds of chemo
55 days inpatient
4 surgeries
3 recurrences

Sharsheret understands all that I am going through, including from the Jewish perspective.

It is the place where I can scream “help!”

Because of Sharsheret, I have the hope necessary to face the next 10 years.

The High Holidays give me pause to be thankful that I have survived ovarian cancer for another year. I know many women are not as lucky as I am.

The demand for Sharsheret’s services is GREATER than ever before.

So please, give with your heart. Give for women just like me.

