Jamie Gurvitch
Jamie Greenwald Gurvitch was raised and lived in New Rochelle, New York and now resides in South Florida. A friend of Jamie’s recommended her to Sharsheret when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009. From that introduction, Jamie was connected to Shira Dubitsky, a Sharsheret social worker who supported Jamie and her family through the new and scary journey of breast surgery, oncology, diagnostics, treatment and treatment options, side effects, psychological support and more. Since that time Jamie has been a committed, active Sharsheret volunteer always at the ready to help and provide Sharsheret resources to others. She is a now a Peer Supporter in Sharsheret’s Link program and partakes in the Annual Peer Support Training Webinar, a community spokesperson for Pink Shabbat, Pink Day, Sharsheret Race for the Cure, past co-chair for Sharsheret South Florida Gala, community co-chair Pies for Prevention, co-chair for Women’s Tennis Round Robin Tournament, and more. Jamie has a Bachelor of Arts in Communication. Jamie and her husband Ira have four children Ellin, Pamela, Benjamin & Malka – they too avidly share Sharsheret resources in their community.