Shari Lindenbaum
Shari Lindenbaum met Sharsheret’s founder, Rochie Shoretz A”H, 21 years ago during one of Shasheret’s first parlor meetings. Shari knew that Sharsheret was an organization with which she wanted to be involved, especially given her strong family history of breast cancer. In 2016, as part of Rochelle’s Dream, Sharsheret’s major gift campaign, Shari and her sisters dedicated Sharsheret’s Educational Resource Series in honor of their parents, Florence and Joseph Appleman.
Four years ago, Shari was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer and became a direct beneficiary of Sharsheret’s help. Thankfully, chemo and radiation were not necessary and her surgery went well. Shari, a former Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, uses her skills to give (unlicensed) medical advice and worry about her children. Shari and her husband, Nathan, live in Teaneck, NJ and have four wonderful children – all of whom can tell breast jokes on command.