Undergoing surgery as war broke out in Israel was unbearable, but felt less lonely because of Sharsheret
I was in pain. Everyone told me not to worry because pain is not usually an indicator of cancer. But I knew something didn’t feel right.
Three biopsies later, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The BRCA2 mutation runs in my family, but I am BRCA negative. This was not supposed to be my story!
I live in New York and my parents and extended family live in Israel. My bilateral mastectomy was scheduled for October 10th . So, my mother booked a ticket to come care for me during my surgery and recovery.
And then the unthinkable happened. The October 7th massacre.
My mother could no longer come to the US for me. In her absence, Sharsheret and local family and friends stepped in as my support.
Then, after two surgeries, I came home to the horrifying news that two family friends had been killed in Israel. Now my chest was not the only thing aching. So was my heart.
Through all the horror, Sharsheret has been by my side, thinking of every detail including where to rent the chair that would replace my bed and how to reduce my post-op pain and discomfort.
Sharsheret is a safe space where I can express all my emotions and fears. As a Jewish organization, it is the only place that understands the pain and fear I simultaneously hold from my cancer and the war in Israel. As I await news from my doctor about needing further treatment and news from my family about their safety, the support and warmth of Sharsheret continues to guide me.
Please join me in making a year-end donation to Sharsheret and ensure that I, and thousands of women and men just like me, have Sharsheret to lean on during these challenging times.